Sunday School
Calling all parents and children. We are trying something different this year. Sunday School is at 10:00 am during worship service. The children will begin in the church sanctuary with everyone else. This will allow the children to still have some exposure to the worship service before they begin their lessons. The Pastor will then dismiss them about 15 minutes later to go to their classroom. Sunday School helps to build a strong foundation of faith in the life of your child. The teachers are looking forward to greeting the kids and sharing the message of God’s Grace and love.
Adult Bible Study
BY Dr. David Jeremiah
Imagine a Thousand Years of Peace on Earth.
Our world longs for peace. For an end to wars and conflicts. And yet peace is elusive, and our hope often feels light years away. But what if the promise of the victorious return of Jesus and the establishment of His Kingdom can offer us the peace we need to face today—to get us through this moment?
In this Bible study, trusted Bible teacher and pastor Dr. David Jeremiah unfolds the Second Coming of Christ and His millennium reign here on earth with stunning clarity while also showing how the correct interpretation of these pivotal events changes how we live in the here and now. Join us on Sundays at 8:45 am.
Thank you for supporting the Valley Interfaith Food Pantry. We distributed holiday boxes to 58 families for Christmas. Thank you for your great generosity throughout the year! There is a growing need for personal care items, and the Valley Food Pantry has decided to have a distribution of these items every 3-4 months, it will be held in February. All the churches are asked to donate. The items suggested are lotion, toothpaste, toothbrushes, bar soap, deodorant, hand sanitizer, shampoo/conditioner, feminine products, and shaving cream. The food needed is coffee, tea, pasta, tomato sauce, canned vegetables, canned fruit, jelly, snack crackers, and paper products (toilet paper & paper towels). Please make sure the products are within the expiration date.
No medications/vitamins, etc., are accepted.
The Kindness Tree
During the month of February, the SERVE Team will be selling “hearts” for $ 1.00.
Members can purchase a heart in memory of a loved one or in honor of someone.
Every heart sold will be placed on
The Kindness Tree located in the St. Stephen’s Room.
The SERVE Team will meet in late January and decide where the profits from this sale will go to. The congregation will be informed once that decision is made.
2025 Annual Congregation Meeting – January 26, 2025
Please mark your calendar to attend the 2025 Annual Congregation Meeting to be held immediately after the church service on:
January 26, 2025
A quorum of 15 voting members is needed to conduct the business of our church for 2025.
Please note:
We need to fill 8 3- year term council seats.
If you are asked to put your name on the ballot, please prayerfully consider accepting the nomination.
Our meetings are once a month and we try to keep the meeting to last no longer than an hour if possible; could be longer depending on the decisions or discussions we need to have.
Annual Reports Due by January 6, 2025
If you are a chairperson of a church team, please submit your annual team report to our secretary Rose Fox by January 6th, 2025.
All team reports will be included in the Bulletin of Reports for our 2025 Annual Congregation Meeting.
“Souper Bowl” Sunday – February 9th
What we know for sure, is that our members love football, no more exciting than if your team has won enough games to reach the championship game to be held in New Orleans Ceasar’s Superdome.
We, at St. John’s, support the ELCA Hunger Appeal every year which has their own version of the championship game. Our version is a special event called the “Souper Bowl”.
On February 9th, we will take up a special collection which will go towards those whose stomachs are not full, those who are suffering from malnutrition, those who have no idea where their next meal is coming from.
The ELCA Hunger Appeal wants every person to win. By that, I mean, that all should be fulfilled…. fulfilled as no hungry men, women, or children in this world.
Our giving does and has made a difference in our world. Let’s not give up that one day, there will be no one hungry. Until then, please consider giving to the “Souper Bowl” collection on February 9th.
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Our mission to comfort those in need. This is open to all who are interested. We meet the first and third Wednesdays of the month for about 2 hours.
If the winter weather is bad or for some reason we aren’t meeting, we will call. If interested, call the church office at 570-788-2685.
Coffee Hour
The first Sunday of the month, coffee hour will be observe. The next coffee hour will be February 2nd celebrating February birthdays. There will also be another coffee hour on
February 9th hosted by the Scouts.
There is a sign up sheet in the St. Stephen's Room for members/church teams to sponsor.
Mission Opportunity
Hello everyone! I was hoping to share with all of you on the 27th the various opportunities that are available to members of the synod through our companion synod program. I realize the Synod E-news does not reach a large portion of our membership, so I want to ask for your help. I am excited to announce that we have two opportunities next year- an exchange group to Germany (tentatively April 22 -May 1) and for the first time, an opportunity for us to visit Argentina (June 12-22). Both trips are intergenerational. There are sightseeing opportunities as well as opportunities for conversation and discussions and a chance to see various ministries in both locations. It is a very personalized way to travel as we are not simply tourists, but we have that opportunity to meet and mingle with people of faith. Please let folks in the congregations know these opportunities are available and I would be happy to share more details with those who are interested.
Thanks again for spreading the word!
Pr. Michele Kaufman
Companion Synod Coordinator for NEPS
We are looking for you to come join one or
several of our Church Ministry Teams! Be a part
of the many opportunities these teams provide.
We want and need you to join us in serving
God's calling with your time and talents to help
our church continue to grow in making this
place to share and express his love. Please
contact the church office if you are interested.
Worship & Music, Learning Ministry,
Stewardship, Finance Team, Property Team,
Altar Guild, Assistant Ministers, Lay Eucharistic,
Quilting, and Prayer Shawl.
We have heard time and time again about how beautiful and well-kept our cemetery is. We often take for granted the hard work and endless hours that go into keeping our cemetery beautiful year after year. To help
with the upkeep, please consider giving a monetary donation "In Honor Of" or "In Memory Of" a loved one. Checks can be made payable to “St. John’s Lutheran & Reformed Cemetery Association” or included with your weekly offering (please include a notation with your offering).
Boy Scouts and Cub Scouts
SCOUTS BSA and Cub Scouts have resumed in-person meetings. If anyone is interested, meetings are Monday nights. For more information, contact the church office and leave a message for Jen. Scouting is open to boys and girls ages Kindergarten through High School.
All Members, to update our files, please contact the church office at 570-788-2865 or email to with your contact information, including name(s), address, phone number, email address, birthday and anniversary.