Important information Events & Activities

Kid’s Night

Come out and join us for Kids' Night, on Tuesday, March 18th, at 6:00 pm. All are welcome. We will be making an Easter craft and enjoy some snacks.
Please contact the church office to register at 570-788-2685.

Sunday School

Calling all parents and children. We are trying something different this year. Sunday School is at 10:00 am during worship service. The children will begin in the church sanctuary with everyone else. This will allow the children to still have some exposure to the worship service before they begin their lessons. The Pastor will then dismiss them about 15 minutes later to go to their classroom. Sunday School helps to build a strong foundation of faith in the life of your child. The teachers are looking forward to greeting the kids and sharing the message of God’s Grace and love.  The last day of Sunday School will be May 18th and will resume in the Fall of 2025.

Sunday School

Cave Quest VBS 2025

Adult Bible Study

The next bible study will begin April 17th.


To help with providing an Easter meal to our Valley Food Pantry families, our church is asked to supply “cans of peas”.  Other items needed are cans of chili, sloppy Joe sauce, mustard, mayonnaise, canned fruit, snack crackers, coffee, and tea bags and paper products (toliet papte & paper towels) Donations must be made by Sunday, April 6th.  Please make sure the items are within the expiration date.   THANK YOU in advance for your generosity!  No medications/vitamins, etc, are accepted.


Prayer Shawl Ministry

  Our mission to comfort those in need.  This is open to all who are interested.  We meet the first and third Wednesdays of the month for about 2 hours. 

If the winter weather is bad or for some reason we aren’t meeting, we will call.  If interested, call the church office at 570-788-2685.  

 Coffee Hour

 The first Sunday of the month, coffee hour will be observe. The next coffee hour will be April 7th celebrating April birthdays.  

There is a sign up sheet in the St. Stephen's Room for members/church teams to sponsor. 


We are looking for you to come join one or
several of our Church Ministry Teams! Be a part
of the many opportunities these teams provide.
We want and need you to join us in serving
God's calling with your time and talents to help
our church continue to grow in making this
place to share and express his love. Please
contact the church office if you are interested.
Worship & Music, Learning Ministry,
Stewardship, Finance Team, Property Team,
Altar Guild, Assistant Ministers, Lay Eucharistic,
Quilting, and Prayer Shawl. 

We have heard time and time again about how beautiful and well-kept our cemetery is.  We often take for granted the hard work and endless hours that go into keeping our cemetery beautiful year after year.  To help
with the upkeep, please consider giving a monetary donation "In Honor Of" or "In Memory Of" a loved one.  Checks can be made payable to “St. John’s Lutheran & Reformed Cemetery Association” or included with your weekly offering (please include a notation with your offering).

Boy Scouts and Cub Scouts

SCOUTS BSA and Cub Scouts have resumed in-person meetings. If anyone is interested, meetings are Monday nights. For more information, contact the church office and leave a message for Jen. Scouting is open to boys and girls ages Kindergarten through High School.


All Members, to update our files, please contact the church office at 570-788-2865 or email to with your contact information, including name(s), address, phone number, email address, birthday and anniversary. 



Memorials & Obituaries

Our congregation extends our deepest condolences to the families of:

John P. Billig, Jr. (November 12, 2024)

Wilbur W. Wenner (August 4, 2024)

Priscilla A. Mundie (February 16, 2024)

Walter L. Bloss Sr. (December 17, 2023)

Barbara A. Wenner (October 24, 2023)

Linford W. Kuehn (October 19, 2023)

Nadine Sauer (October 1, 2023)

David Klinger (September 3, 2023)

Ernest Kuehn (July 10, 2023)

Dwight Bicking (June 23, 2023)

Constance Mae Synder (May 15, 2023)


Evangelical Lutheran Church In America